A New Addition 11:46

I don't think I've mentioned this before, as it's gone wrong so many times before. But now she's here, I can announce it -


Can't believe I've finally got her home. Her name is Ria, she is a Kooikerhondje and she turned 7 weeks old last Wednesday :-)

It was a more than five hour drive each way, so on Friday we left before 6:30am and got home after 10pm. I carried her home, and she was absolutely dead to the world for the first two and a half hours

I have no idea why it's insisting on turning them strange ways (the first and third ones should be 90 degrees left and the second one 180 degrees (it's upside down)) but you'll just have to tilt your head or screen lol - sorry!

Then she woke up, and it got interesting :-) I managed to stop her being too obnoxious, and she slept on and off the rest of the way home. When we arrived home as it was so late I went almost straight to bed, and she did not approve! It was rather a noisy night.

I wondered what I'd done. And someone was upset I hadn't told them I was actually going to pick her up, which upset me and made everything worse. And I was obviously so tired as well....having had such a long day on Friday, and then got very little in the way of sleep on Friday night. So I spent most of yesterday in tears!

She slept better Saturday night, and I do feel a lot better about things today. So, we shall see what the future holds!


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